Saturday, July 5, 2014

Victoria, British Columbia

As I sit here in the airport waiting for my flight, free internet makes it possible to upload these shots from the final stop on the cruise.  Victoria is the capital of British Columbia.  It's an island around the size of Maryland (but with a very small population).  They have a perfect view of the mountains in Washington state from the island.

We arrived around 7 PM and I took a guided walking tour of the oldest part of the city.  It was all aboard by 11:15 PM.

The capitol building of province of British Columbia is in Victoria.  The lights had just been turned on for the evening.

The Empress Hotel (named for Queen Victoria, the Empress of India) was Bob Hope's favorite hotel on the island.

The public park and gardens were beautiful.  

We walked into the British Columbia Museum of History, and here's a statue in tribute to the native peoples.

Here's the entrance to the garden.  Note the blue tent ... it is legal for homeless folks to camp in the park at night.

This Canadian harbor has a great view of the mountains in Washington across the ocean.  Also, you can see a "fake" whale tale.

The peacocks were getting ready for bed, and you can see that they sleep perched in trees.