Here's the seat (but I was in a single seat) |
Well, I made it to Rome.
I’m in my hotel at the airport (the Hilton), which is connected by a
system of walkways to the airport. I’ve
confirmed my shuttle ride to the port city for Rome (Civitavecchia) tomorrow at
noon, and I’m about to take a nap.
The trip over was interesting. Continental and United merged, and they have
some “new” charges I don’t remember in the past. For instance, you can pay for extra legroom
during the flight. I paid the extra
amount for both flights overseas to have the extra room. I did this shortly after booking the flight.
I checked my reservation online while waiting at the
Greenville airport, and my seat for the flight from Newark to Rome no longer was a bulkhead
seat with extra room. I called
reservations, and they were nice but were only willing to give a refund.
With my computer online, I saw there were several seats in
first class. So, through a little
persistence and trying to be nice to the supervisor, I was moved to first
class. Oh, it was a wonderful
experience. The dining (warmed cashews
as an appetizer), constantly refilling the wine glasses, and a choice of multicourse
meals that looked like fine restaurant fair was a new experience for me on an
airplane. The reclining seats were great ... I was in a single row and didn't have anyone beside me (see the seat above).
Well, I better take a nap so that I can do something later
this afternoon.