Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Egypt trip has been cancelled…

Click here for source of this Glasbergen cartoon.
After the Greenland and Iceland trip, I rescheduled my trip to Egypt to travel on the Nile for a cruise and to see the pyramids and other archaeological sites in Egypt (i.e., Cairo, Alexandria, and Aswan).  I paid for the trip and had all of the arrangements finalized for this adventure.  However, a few health issues earlier this month (December) have resulted in my having to cancel my plans for the trip to Egypt and to the Mediterranean. 

I will be spending the month of January and February taking care of a few health issues, so I will not be traveling anywhere for a while.  I guess the gods of travel, Hermes (Greek), Mercury (Roman) and  Khonsu (Egyptian), haven’t provided a ringing endorsement to my planned travel to this region of the world. 

This trip to Egypt is still on my bucket list for a future date.  Atleast I've already traveled quite a bit in Italy and Greece.  Stay tuned.  I’m hopeful for a full bill of health by March 2023 so that travel can resume.