Monday, May 22, 2017

A sailboat ride and a swim

It was overcast and cooler than normal for this time of year in Bermuda.  I had signed up for a sailboat ride with a stop for some swimming. 

We set out, and we were able to watch practice runs for the teams competing in the America’s Cup.  It begins this Friday in Hamilton, Bermuda.  I saw the English Team (Land Rover is the major sponsor).   Also, two other teams were practicing. 

Oracle is a major sponsor, and they sponsor the buoys that record speed in the sailing lanes.  The sailing ships were so fast, and they looked more like “kites” flying above the water.

Although it was a little cool and overcast, the water temperature was great.  I was one of five who bravely entered the water from the sailboat.

The sailboat was anchored for the swim, and we had a view of the Oracle CEO’s home during the swim. The Oracle founder didn’t buy the island, but promised the owners of the private island ownership of the home he built after the America's Cup.  

The view of downtown Hamilton, Bermuda.

The sailboat captain is getting us ready to leave the dock.

The captain's daughter helps out, and she's giving the group instructions.

A view of the ms Veendam from the sailboat.

Kids are learning how to sail.  There are lots of classes in sailing during the summer months.

The America's Cup teams were practicing as we sailed around the inlet.  Here's the British entry.

One of the Oracle buoys that clocks speed of the sailboats during the contest.

Another of the contestants who are in the process of changing crew members.

The "sheep" are on Bermuda's Long Island.  They didn't reproduce.

The captain reminded us that we were in the Bermuda Triangle.  Here's a shipwreck with only a cooler floating from the ship.  

The cove for the swim with a view of Oracle CEO's home in the distance.  In return for use of the land to construct a home during the prep time for the America's Cup, the owners of the island will receive this house once the contest is over.