Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 3: St. Petersburg, Day 1

Day 1 of Russia was interesting.  It was all about hurry up and wait while going anywhere.  Customs officials are interesting.  No matter how many are in line to be processed, they just suddenly close down stations.  Although its a beautiful place, it can be a little perplexing.  One of the members of our tour group had his wallet stolen while at the Church of Peter and Paul ... so I'm holding on to my passport and wallet very closely on Day 2 in the city.

Here are a few shots from my photo album of St. Petersburg, Russia.

Standing in line seems to be the norm when in Russia!

Going along with the flow at the Hermitage Museum

The throne at the Hermitage Museum.

The Peacock Clock is one of the Russian treasures in the Hermitage.

The guide went through the Hermitage in fast forward mode ... so many works of art and so little time.

Beautiful objects and priceless works of art by the European masters were enjoyed by the Tsars/Tsarinas.

The Church of Peter and Paul ... The royal family is buried here.

Interesting sculture of Peter I ... Note the small head (actual size from death mask).  Tradition is to have your picture taken in his lap.

The tombs of the Russian Royals at the Church of Peter and Paul.

The altar area of the Church of Peter and Paul.

The Church of the Spilled Blood ... A symbol of St. Petersburg, Russia.