Saturday, October 5, 2019

Sydney, Nova Scotia, and Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island

The ship docked in Sydney, Nova Scotia, yesterday.  I was slated for an excursion entitled, “A Taste of the Cabot Cove.”  The trip was to include a drive along the Atlantic shoreline into Cape Breton’s Highland National Park.  I woke up with one of those rare headaches.  So, I chose to stay in bed all day.  When I awoke mid-day, I had a bowl of chicken-noodle soup and crackers.  I went back to sleep, and I felt much better by 9pm.  

I got up early this morning ready for my excursion on Prince Edward Island.  I had previously visited Anne of Green Gables and Fort Louisbourg.  I had selected to visit the community of New Glasgow which was voted one of Canada’s prettiest little villages.  The final stop was to be a lobster lunch.  However, the winds were too high to safely tender to the visit.  

So, today (and tomorrow) will be restful days at sea before our final stop in Quebec City.  I took these shots as the ship left PEI for Saguenay, Quebec.

One of two lighthouses on each side of the bay.

Several local folks have mentioned the leaves are a little late in changing.

I caught a glimpse of this rainbow off PEI.

The Oceania ship (see in background)  has been with us on the entire journey.  It's smaller so it was able to use the dock today.

So long Charlottetown and Prince Edward Island.  Lots of folks were disappointed not to be able to see the Anne of Green Gables sites.