Monday, March 16, 2015

Arriving in India

As I write this, the ship is making its way to the dock.  The immigration officials in Cochin will make their way onto the ship and we’re required to do a “face-to-passport” inspection with the Indian officials.  Everyone was required to obtain a visa prior to leaving the US, and I believe all of my documents are in order.  The only other place we’ve had to go through immigration was in Sydney, Australia; everyone had to physically get off the ship until all passengers were cleared by Australian immigration.  You learn to be patient.

I’m taking a “slow boat" through Kochi’s harbor as my excursion this morning.  Cochin or Kochi are the same place, but it seems to be interchangeable spelling on paperwork. 

Where is Cochin or Kochi, India?

The sunrise is beautiful in the harbor.

We are making our way slowly into the harbor.  We must arrive after 7am per the Indian officials. We've been moving so slowly to time it just right.  The immigration process begins promptly at 8am for cruisers.  I'm in group 10.