Monday, August 23, 2021

It’s just a lovely ride…

I made the short trip by shuttle to the Lamy (NM) Depot.  The train arrived a few minutes late, but I quickly boarded with about five other folks.  Two young men who are beginning college in Los Angeles were on the shuttle.  They were excited to be headed west and to begin college as freshman.

I was assigned the same car and the same room, but the train car was much newer.   The restroom was a little more navigable on this train.  The attendant was friendly and helpful (especially with my luggage). 

As the train started, the windows filled my mind with the James Taylor song, “The Secret of Life.”  Specifically the line “it’s just a lovely ride” filled my head.  

The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time
Any fool can do it
There ain't nothing to it
Nobody knows how we got to
The top of the hill
But since we're on our way down
We might as well enjoy the ride
Here are a few photos I took before periods of rain and darkness. 

All aboard.  The Southwest Chief arrives just a little late.

I took all of these photos with my iPhone.  It's does an amazing job on a moving train.

The skies were beautiful.  Also, the region has a good bit of rain this summer.

That's "Route 66" in the background.  The train rain parallel with the highway for much of the journey.

You might notice the raindrops on the window.  There were thundershowers all around.

I wasn't able to catch any of the lightening, but I did get a photo of a rainbow.

The sky and clouds were so beautiful this evening.

Once night arrived, I no longer had beautiful scenery to observe.  However, the moon was full and beautiful.  As I type this, the weather man on the television news said it was a special "blue moon" this evening during the weather report.
James Taylor said it best, it's just a lovely ride!
Einstein said he could never understand it all
Planets spinning through space
The smile upon your face
Welcome to the human race
Some kind of lovely ride
I'll be sliding down
I'll be gliding down
Try not to try too hard
It's just a lovely ride