Friday, May 19, 2017

Beginning a new decade…

I’m entering a new decade of life.  That’s right, I’m entering my sixth decade of being, and I wanted to celebrate by doing the thing I love (i.e., travel) and going somewhere I’ve never been.  That spot is Bermuda by way Boston. 

I’ve heard of many things regarding the beautiful island of Bermuda in the North Atlantic… Bermuda shorts, Bermuda Triangle, etc.   Such a trip is one way to end one decade and prepare of the next one.  So, I’m off today for this adventure. 

Not only am I making this trip, but I will be returning to employment with the new school year (July 1). My agreement with the school district is only for one year, and I guess that’s another way to mark this new decade in life.

I hope the weather’s great when I get to Bermuda on Monday.  Hopefully it will be foretell what this new decade in life will be like:  Sunny skies and smooth sailing.