Monday, May 22, 2017

Just arrived in Bermuda...

We arrived on time.  It's a little overcast, but the view was still great.  Here are a few of my photos as the ship made it way to the dock.

It's a little overcast as we pass St. George's Island, but the pastel colors of Bahamian homes are still in view.

They say the sand on the beaches is powdery and pink.  I hope to find out this afternoon.

After the captain's announcement, many came out on the decks to watch our arrival in the archipelago of Bermuda.

Beautiful homes are along the coast.  Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones are residents here.

Because of the rocky area, the larger cruise ships cannot go into the capital of Bermuda.

The captain said that we had plenty of room to make our way through the rocky coastline.

We had to set our clocks forward one hour.  Bermuda time is an hour ahead of the Eastern time zone.

Here's where we are to dock.  The ship made a 360 and my room on the starboard side now faces downtown.

Downtown Bermuda will be celebrating Bermuda Day with a big parade on Wednesday.  They come right down this street.