Friday, January 9, 2015

Santa Marta, Colombia

It was 91 degrees on this beautiful January morning.

The lighthouse in the harbor.  It was once a Spanish prison.

The Cathedral of Santa Marta

The altar in the cathedral.

We visited the museum, and it seems fertility symbols are something to be worn by the earliest people of the region.

The museum established for Simon Bolivar.  Bolivar died here, but his body was later moved to Venezuela. 

The statue of Bolivar at the Quinta de San Pedro Alejandrino 
The spirit of Bolivar rises from his dead body in Santa Marta.  The museum has his deathbed.

Traditional dancers at a hotel along the beach.

A little music ...

... and some more traditional dancing on the beach.

A view of Santa Marta from the ship.

A farewell to Santa Marta!