Friday, August 19, 2022

I’ve arrived in the “Place of Polar Bears” or Nanortalik, Greenland

The ship made its way into the tender port.  There were icebergs around, but not quite the size and number a when I was in Antarctica.  The small city of less than 2000 is picturesque.  Here are a few of my first shots around 6:30 am as the ship arrived.

There were icebergs as we made our way into Nanortalik.

I think the rocks posed more of a danger to our ship than the icebergs.

It's interesting to see the shapes of the various icebergs.

It's easy to see things in the shapes of the iceberg. This onre reminds me of a cat.

We got lucky with the weather.  It is supposed to be partly cloudy with rain later today.

You can see the fishing boats in this small inlet.  Fishing is a big part of the local economy.

It's an attractive city (sixth largest in Greenland) of less than 2000 people.

This iceberg was glistening in the morning sun.  Of course, it doesn't really get dark here in the summer.

It’s a beautiful day, and the harbor is calm so transfer by tender boat should be okay.  There’s not much to do in this village.  The only tour is a walking tour of the town, and I’m taking that later this morning.  This village encourages tourism for fishermen, hunters, and hikers.