Saturday, February 14, 2015

The mystery of the 30 minute time change is solved (I think)…

They keep reminding folks in the various lectures on the ship that Australia is a very large place, but it only has 22 million folks.  Most live within one hour of the ocean.

I was curious about our 30 minute time change last night (we had one other island where this occurred).  Time zones in the contiguous US are one hour apart.  That’s not true in Australia.  It also gets really complicated because not every area follows daylight savings time (note sun in the graphic below). 

The west coast is +8 hours ahead of Greenwich time.  The center of the nation is +9.5 hours (except in areas of daylight savings), and the east cost is +10 hours (+11 in areas of daylight savings).

You’ll note how this impacts time as the ship reaches the next ports below.  The graphic comes from my iPad time clock. 

My body clock is confused!

Current time of upcoming ports (L), time differences from Greenwich (top R), US/Australia size comparison (bottom R)