Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Cochin, India

My excursion today was to take a slow boat on the waterways unique to this area of India.  We set sail on the jetty to see fishing villages, Chinese fishing nets, groves of mangroves and coconut trees.  It was a great way to spend my time in this area of India.

We arrived in the harbor shortly after 8am.

The taxi drivers were ready for us ...

The Tuk Tuk drivers were ready for us...

The bus drivers were ready for us, too.  Now, we have to get through immigration to tour Cochin.

I took a slow boat ride in the backwaters of Cochin to see how people made a living on these islands.

This area is devoted to raising tiger prawns for sell.

It was cool to see the Chinese fishing nets and how they work to catch fish.

The people were friendly and were waving at this boat full of strange faces.

This man was yelling at the occupants of the houses to announce his fish were for sale.

These fisherman were getting ready to sail.  They venture out for four or five days at sea to make a living.

The birds were using the posts of fishing nets to look for an easy meal.

Update:  Here are a few shots from our sail away this afternoon.  Folks gathered to take pictures and wave as our ship exited the port.

One of the nicer hotels found in the harbor area of Cochin. 

Folks gathered on the beach as we made our way out of the harbor into the Arabian Sea.

People were waving and taking photos of our ship's departure.  This is a warehouse that's being used for a special art exhibit.