At breakfast, the captain made an announcement that we had to make a sudden change in the ship’s course. Was it a pirate ship that was too close? No, it was to avoid migrating whales on the right side of the ship. It was a great way to spend breakfast time on the Lido Deck, and I was lucky to be sitting on the starboard side for the show.
At lunch today, I was seated with two couples in the formal dining room. One couple I’ve eaten with many times. They’re recently moved to Colorado, and they’ve spent quite a bit of time sailing on a sailboat during retirement before the move to Colorado. The second couple, Bob and Marge, are from Seneca, SC. That’s right. They’ve been on the ship since Day 1, and they’re from where I live and we hadn't met! Marge, a New Yorker, married Bob, a resident of Seneca, five years ago. Bob has been in the Seneca area for over 10 years. Marge had relocated to Oconee County from Georgia to live with her daughter in Fox’s Lair.
I had met one other couple from South Carolina during the trip. They were from Columbia and SC natives. They were on the ship from Auckland, New Zealand, and they ended their portion of the trip in Dubai, UAE.
I will soon be off to dinner, and I wonder if any other interesting events will occur.
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Meal time can be interesting on the ms Amsterdam. |