Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Walking and sailing at the same time …

I admit it!  I’m a clumsy person.  I walk into walls and stump my toes frequently.  However, I have been successful at walking on a cruise ship.  Each morning I’ve tried to do a minimum of five miles and exceed my goal of 10,000 steps. 

I’m been successful at the walking, but I’m scared to get on scales after the trip on April 30.  I know those three daily meals that are delicious have contributed to my girth in photos.  Well, calorie restrictions begin when I get back on April 30.
I feel great, and I will continue to do those miles daily.  Here’s the Fitbit report I received this morning regarding my walking this past week.

My weekly Fitbit Report ... I love my Fitbit and the accountability of the weekly report!