Saturday, February 10, 2018

One of the wonders of th world: Iguazu Falls

The day started at 7:30 with a trip to the Buenos Aires Airport for the 1.5 hour flight to the Iguazu Airport on the Border with Brazil and Argentina.  It was an amazing 100 degree day in which we toured the Argentina side of the falls.  It included walking many miles of trails/pedestrian bridges to see the Upper Circuit of Falls and then to see the Devil's Throat.  Amazing.

The day ended with the return flight that got the group back to the ship at midnight.

The falls are between Argentina and Brazil.  Paraguay is also a part, but further down the river.

After lunch, we entered the trails to the Upper Circuit of falls.  This cayman/alligator was waiting in case anyone feel off the trail.

Following the trail, you soon see one of the waterfalls on the Upper Circuit.

Here I am, along with many others, at this part of the waterfall system.

The photos seems to have spots... that's the mist from this set of falls.

This upper section was long and more falls are revealed.  It was hot (upper 90s) and humid.

Another view of the upper circuit of falls.

Butterflies were everywhere, and this one decided to catch a ride on me.  I was unaware until the guide asked for my camera.

There were over four miles of trails and pedestrian bridges to view the falls and make your way through the national park.

To get to the largest section of falls, Devil's Throat, the group took an eco-friendly train.

Here's a very large fish that resembles a catfish.  It was gigantic.

The Devil's Throat was amazing.  You were constantly sprayed by the rising mist from the falls.

Smaller falls were to the left of the Devil's Throat.  The other side of the falls belongs to Brazil.

Making your way through the park, the group saw lots of monkeys. 

This is a coati (need to check spelling).  It's an animal that looks like a opossum (head) and raccoon (tail).

Another view of the Devils Throat from a distance.

Note the large birds taking advantage of the thermals from the falls.  The birds are types of buzzards.

Last stop was the luxury hotel/conference center in the park.  Note the Japanese students involved in workshops.  The shot was taken from the hotel's bar which has a great view of the falls.