Saturday, February 24, 2018

Entering the Amazon River...

Early this morning we entered the Amazon River.  We're near the city of Macapa, Brazil, waiting on paperwork approval to transit the Amazon.  Once that's done, a pilot will also arrive and assist the ship in our transit for about 600 nautical miles to Manaus, Brazil.

The ship is near Macapa, Brazil.  We're waiting for permission to transit the Amazon and the local pilot.

It's a rainforest, so it was raining and a little foggy as the ship moved up the Amazon.

The beautiful blues and blue-green of the ocean has been replaced by the muddy Amazon.

Boats were approaching us this morning.  Note the t-shirt:  "Let's Get Wild."  That's appropriate for the Amazon!

... and the guy gave us a friendly wave.

You can see the many birds in the trees.

The crew member is raising the Dutch flag as we dropped anchor.

Look closely at this picture.  The man is missing an arm.  Crocodile? 

Boat travel is the only method of transportation, and it can take several days to get to another city.

When you travel on a boat, you bring your own hammock that you hang up on hooks in order to sleep during the journey.

I got my "crossing the equator" certificate this morning, but we've actually crossed it several times during the voyage.