Well, today is the final day in Greece. It's Easter Sunday according to the Greek Orthodox Church so many of the historical sites (Olympia - ruins of the ancient games/stadium) are closed. I've been to the little seaside village of
Katakolon, Greece, a couple of years ago, and I had previously visited Olympia.
It was great to spend time today just wandering around the town. The shops were open since the
ms Amsterdam was in the harbor. I took time to purchase a few souvenirs to help the Greek economy.
I've enjoyed my time in Greece during the holiday weekend.
The ship is arriving in Katakolon, Greece. It's a beautiful seaside village that provides easy access to the ancient Olympic stadium ruins. |
Everything was beautiful on this spring morning. The temperature was to get up to the low 70s. |
Restaurants dot the street facing the harbor. The main shopping street is on the other side of these restaurants. |
The little park was dedicated to some individual ... unfortunately I cannot read Greek. |
Souvenir, leather, jewelry, and art work shops are all along the main street of the town. I spent a few Euros, too. |
Katakolon, Greece is the home of a the nearest deep water port to Ancient Olympia. |
Afternoon Update:
After lunch, I decided to take a walk to the rocky beach area near the harbor. The water of the Aegean Sea was crystal clear. Here are my photos from my afternoon walk in Katakolon.
A view of the crystal-clear waters of the Aegean in Greece. |
Although it was rocky, it would be a great place to spend a summer afternoon. |
I wanted to wade into the water, but I didn't want to have to deal with sandy feet walking back to the ship. |
Any swimming on this beach would require swim shoes with so many rocks! |
As I was walking back to the ship, I took this picture of the ms Amsterdam. I've taken quite a few over the voyage. |