Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Isle of Capri

The ship arrived a little before 8am in Naples, and I soon was off to the Isle of Capri.  I saw the two towns on the island:  Capri Town and Anacapri.  The tour group had a delicious Italian lunch, and we had free time to explore the town.  It was a great tour.

It was a little cloudy when we left Naples by jet boat.  You can see Mt. Vesuvius in the background.

The jetboat arrived on the island, and it was beautiful. 

The group attended a demonstration on how furniture is designed.  The inlay work was beautiful. 

In Anacapri, I took the ski left for a view of the city.  It was cloudy at the top.

Here I am at the top of the mountain.  It was foggy at the top, but the temperature was fine.

The view of the city as I came down from the lift. 

Here's a tile representation of the island.

Homes are carved into the side of the mountain on the Isle of Capri.

After lunch, the temperature warmed up and I soon got rid of the jacket.

This is truly a beautiful Italian city.

I took this shot as the tour group prepared to leave by jet boat.