Thursday, January 25, 2018

An extra excursion on Saturday afternoon…

Tuesday night’s dinner was great, and I selected a Chilean dessert to go with my coffee.  It was a type of chocolate and caramel pie and it had as a garnish “sticky bee’s honeycomb.”  

Well, they had the “sticky” description correct.  As I ate the pie with the crushed honeycomb, I lost two crowns.  One was on the right (upper) and one was on the left (lower).  I’m glad they were in the back of my mouth. 

The ship’s office has set me up for an “extra excursion” on Saturday afternoon:  A trip to a Chilean dentist in Punta Arenas. 

The "sticky honeycomb" was a bit too sticky.  Two gold crowns came right out!  Thanks goodness I didn't swallow or lose them.