Friday, January 5, 2018

Crystal Cave Adventure in the Cayman Islands…

I’ve been to the Cayman Islands several times, and I’ve had a chance to swim with dolphins and kiss a stingray. So, I decided to venture underground today in the Cayman Islands. 

Our ship docked along with several other ships in an alternate location.  They closed the port of Georgetown because it was too windy.  The alternate location was in the “countryside” according to our guide.

It is believed that these caves in the Cayman Islands were once the hiding places of the pirates in the Caribbean. 

Here are a few of my photos from today’s excursion.

A group of bats can be seen on the roof of an entrance to one of the caves.  Don't open your mouth when looking up!

It's easy to see why such caves could be used by pirates to hide.  The entrance is easily hidden.

Beauty exists in the stalactites and stalagmites formed over the centuries.

The crystal clear waters of a lake inside one of the caves.

Here I am at the entrance of one of the caves.  Those are roots of a tree.  I'm not making a fashion statement with my hat.  They had us turn any brimmed hats for viewing up in the small cave openings